12 Ways to Prevent Apps from Controlling Brightness on Android

12 Ways to Prevent Apps from Controlling Brightness on Android

Isn’t it annoying when apps take over your phone’s brightness settings and change the level on their own? Users complained that apps like Netflix, Paramount Plus, and Kindle sometimes increase the brightness level on Android devices. That’s not pleasant, especially when watching with the lights off. Follow this guide to prevent apps from controlling brightness on Android, including Samsung Galaxy phones.

12 Ways to Prevent Apps from Controlling Brightness on Android

Sometimes, you can’t adjust brightness in the quick panel due to an error message saying “can’t change brightness because another app is controlling it.” This app behavior can feel invasive and frustrating.

Why Does the Brightness Level Change by Itself on Android

To override your Android brightness settings, apps need permission to modify the system settings. They do that via a special API you accept when installing the app.

For example, the API often increases the screen brightness level to make barcode and QR code reading easier. Similarly, content or reading apps sometimes override the system brightness to show HDR content. Unfortunately, you can’t prevent such apps from controlling brightness.

However, there are other ways to prevent apps or your phone from controlling brightness on Android.

Note: Before troubleshooting, restart your Android phone.

1. Turn off Adaptive Brightness

If you have automatic brightness enabled, your screen will dim or brighten based on lighting. However, some apps may not be compatible with this feature, resulting in brightness issues. To fix this, disable adaptive brightness on your Android phone. Go to Settings, then Display, and turn off the adaptive brightness toggle.

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12 Ways to Prevent Apps from Controlling Brightness on Android

2. Disable Video Enhancer (Samsung)

The Video Enhancer on Samsung Galaxy phones enhances the screen for better viewing of YouTube or Netflix. To fix brightness issues, disable the Video Enhancer. Go to Settings, Advanced Features, and tap Video Brightness. Choose Normal and check if it improves. For supported apps, enable or disable the toggle to prevent brightness changes.

12 Ways to Prevent Apps from Controlling Brightness on Android

3. Use the App’s Built-in Brightness Tool

If you can’t adjust the brightness using the phone’s settings, use the app’s built-in tool. For example, Netflix has its own tool. To use it, tap your screen and drag the sun icon slider on the left side to adjust the brightness.

12 Ways to Prevent Apps from Controlling Brightness on Android

4. Close All Apps

If you receive the “Can’t change brightness because another app is controlling it” error, close all background apps. Open the Recent Apps screen and swipe up each app to close them.

5. Use the Assistance or Accessibility Menu to Control the Brightness

To surpass the app’s brightness control on your Android phone, use the Accessibility Menu. This feature allows you to access custom functions through a floating button on your screen. Here’s how to enable and use it:

1. Open your Android phone Settings.

2. Go to Accessibility, then select Accessibility menu.

12 Ways to Prevent Apps from Controlling Brightness on Android

Step 2: Enable Accessibility Menu Shortcut

To enable the Accessibility Menu Shortcut, follow these steps:

1. Access Settings on your device.

2. Open the Accessibility menu.

3. Locate the Accessibility Menu Shortcut option and toggle it on to enable.

By enabling the Accessibility Menu Shortcut, you can quickly access commonly used accessibility features on your device with just a few taps. This can save you time and make it easier to navigate your device with ease.

Remember to customize the Accessibility Menu Shortcut to include the specific features you use most frequently. This way, you have quick access to the tools and settings that benefit you the most.

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Enabling the Accessibility Menu Shortcut is a simple but effective way to enhance your device’s accessibility options and make it more user-friendly for those with specific needs or preferences.

12 Ways to Prevent Apps from Controlling Brightness on Android

Step 3: Notice the floating icon on your screen. Tap on it and use the Brightness button to adjust your phone’s brightness when an app controls it.

12 Ways to Prevent Apps from Controlling Brightness on Android

On Samsung Galaxy phones, go to Settings, followed by Accessibility. Tap on Interaction and dexterity and enable the toggle next to the Assistant Menu. Tap on the Assistant Menu text and press ‘Select Assistant menu items’. Make sure Brightness is added.

6. Disable Keep Screen on While Viewing Motion Control (Samsung)

Samsung Galaxy phones have a feature called ‘Keep screen on while viewing’, formerly known as Smart Stay, that prevents the display from dimming or turning off when the front camera detects you looking at the screen. However, Smart Stay may sometimes mistakenly change the brightness level if it detects your eyes moving.

To disable this feature, go to Settings > Advanced features > Motions and gestures and turn off the ‘Keep screen on while viewing’ toggle. On older Samsung Galaxy phones, go to Settings > Display > Smart Stay and disable it. Then, check if the brightness level still changes on its own.

12 Ways to Prevent Apps from Controlling Brightness on Android

7. Turn off Power Saving Mode

The Power Saving mode on Android phones automatically lowers brightness when the battery reaches a certain percentage. Make sure it’s off and your phone is fully charged.

To disable Power Saving mode, go to Settings, then Battery, and turn off Battery Saver. Also disable any scheduled battery save.

12 Ways to Prevent Apps from Controlling Brightness on Android

On Samsung Galaxy phones, go to Settings and tap on Battery. Turn off Power saving.

Android phones have special features like Eye Comfort Shield or Night Light to keep your eyes comfortable, especially at night. This might also be the reason why you think an app is changing brightness. To turn it off, go to Settings, Display, and disable Night Light. On Samsung Galaxy phones, go to Settings > Display and disable Eye Comfort Shield.

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12 Ways to Prevent Apps from Controlling Brightness on Android

9. Clear App Cache

Junk files and system cache can cause various glitches, including brightness issues. If an app is unexpectedly changing your phone’s brightness, try clearing its cache.

To do this, go to Settings, then Apps, and select the problematic app. From there, go to Storage and tap on Clear Cache to remove unnecessary files and clear the system cache. Afterward, restart your phone to see if the app still controls the brightness settings.

12 Ways to Prevent Apps from Controlling Brightness on Android

10. Download the Episode

An interesting solution suggested by users is to download the episode instead of streaming it. This prevents the app from changing the brightness of your phone, allowing the video to play bright and normal when downloaded.

11. Update App

Try updating the app. There might be a bug in the app, preventing you from changing brightness on your Android phone. Go to the Play Store, search for the app, and tap on the Update button.

Lastly, update your phone’s software to eliminate bugs and prevent apps from changing brightness. Go to Settings, then System, and tap Software Update to check for an available update.

12 Ways to Prevent Apps from Controlling Brightness on Android

Frequently Asked Questions

To lock brightness on your Android phone, disable Adaptive brightness and manually set the desired brightness level. This will keep the brightness locked unless you adjust it using the slider.

To disable dark mode for specific apps on Android, access the app settings and locate the theme or dark mode option. Change it to Light instead of the System or Dark mode option.

We hope you can now control the brightness on your Android phone. Before you go, learn how to disable dark mode in Google apps and fix dark mode not working on Chrome.

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