How to Remove Someone From Suggested on Facebook Messenger

How to Remove Someone From Suggested on Facebook Messenger

When searching for a contact on Facebook Messenger, the app will suggest contacts to start your conversation. However, you may sometimes see irrelevant contacts in the ‘Suggested’ list. Unfortunately, you cannot disable the ‘Suggested’ feature on Facebook Messenger. However, you can hide specific contacts from appearing in the list. Here’s how you can remove someone from the Suggested People section on Messenger.

How to Remove Someone From Suggested on Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger’s suggested list is useful, but it can sometimes show people you don’t want to see, such as exes or former friends. Even if you unfriend someone on Facebook, they may still appear on the Suggested list. Luckily, Facebook allows you to hide these contacts.

How Does Suggested Work in Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger has a unique feature that helps you stay connected with friends and family. Instead of displaying your most frequent contacts, the service uses an algorithm to suggest contacts in the Suggested tab. The algorithm takes into account factors like your contacts, location, and common interests to make it easier for you to find people on Messenger. Additionally, the app analyzes your interactions and common Facebook pages to suggest contacts. In some cases, you may even see contacts who you recently unfriended in Messenger.

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What Happens When You Hide Someone From Suggested

Before we show you how to hide someone from the Suggested list, understand the implications of your actions. You see less of your contact and won’t see them suggested with your other contacts or their notes. However, you can still search for the person manually and start a conversation with them.

Remove Someone From Suggested on Messenger for Android

Facebook Messenger mobile apps provide privacy options to customize your experience. Here’s how you can exclude people from appearing on ‘Suggested’ on Messenger for Android. Step 1: Open Facebook Messenger on Android and tap the hamburger menu. Step 2: Select the Settings gear.

How to Remove Someone From Suggested on Facebook Messenger

Step 3: Tap Privacy & safety.

Step 4: Tap Hidden contacts.

How to Remove Someone From Suggested on Facebook Messenger

Step 5: Select the contact menu at the top-right corner. Step 6: Search for contacts and hide them from the following menu.

How to Remove Someone From Suggested on Facebook Messenger

Repeat the same for all irrelevant contacts and stop them from appearing in search suggestions.

Hide Someone From Suggested on Messenger on iPhone

Facebook Messenger privacy options can also be accessed on iPhone and iPad. We will now demonstrate how to hide contacts from Suggested. To begin, launch Messenger on your iPhone. Then, tap the hamburger menu at the top-left corner and select Settings.

How to Remove Someone From Suggested on Facebook Messenger

Step 2: Open Privacy & safety, tap Hidden contacts.

How to Remove Someone From Suggested on Facebook Messenger

Tap Add at the top and select the contact to hide from the Suggested list.

How to Remove Someone From Suggested on Facebook Messenger

You can only select and remove one contact at a time from the ‘Suggested’ list.

Does Facebook Notify the Person

When you hide someone from Suggested on Facebook Messenger, Facebook doesn’t notify the person. It’s a privacy feature, and Facebook’s responsibility to protect your anonymity..

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Do You Still Remain Friends with Hidden Contacts

You can hide a contact from the Suggested list on Messenger without unfriending or restricting them on Facebook. However, they will still be able to see your posts, comments, likes, and start conversations with you. To fully hide this information, you will need to unfriend or restrict the person on Facebook.

Hide vs. Mute on Facebook Messenger

Messenger allows you to mute contacts. When you mute someone on Messenger, the app disables message and call notifications for that person. Although you will still receive messages, you won’t be notified. To check their new messages, you’ll need to open the chat. Additionally, when the muted person sends you a message, Messenger will alert you as usual.

How to Unhide Someone From Suggested on Messenger

To see a suggested person, unhide them from Messenger settings. The steps are the same for both iOS and Android apps. Here’s how to do it on the Facebook Messenger for Android:

Step 1: Open Messenger and go to Settings.

Step 2: Select Privacy & Safety.

How to Remove Someone From Suggested on Facebook Messenger

Step 3: Select Hidden contacts and tap Unhide beside contacts.

How to Remove Someone From Suggested on Facebook Messenger

It may take time for the contacts to appear in the Suggested list.

Clear Your Suggested Contacts List on Messenger

Sometimes, unnecessary contacts suggested by Messenger can cause trouble. You can hide such people from Facebook using the steps above.

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