Easily Start or Stop Windows Services With Windows Service Monitor

Easily Start or Stop Windows Services With Windows Service Monitor

Being a programmer and self-proclaimed geek, I occasionally work with Windows services. Whether it’s the SQL server, Windows theme, or firewall, I prefer using the Windows services panel to enable/disable them. It’s easier to open the Services window using the run command and configure them instead of searching in the Control Panel.

I recall when my Bluetooth hardware button stopped working a few months ago, and I relied on Windows services to start or stop Bluetooth services. While services.msc is helpful, it can be confusing when monitoring numerous services.

Once the program is installed, a small green monitor icon will appear on your taskbar. Double-click the icon to launch the Windows Service Monitor. Now, when the program starts for the first time, it will load with the list of all installed services on your system on the left-hand side with a blank right column.

Easily Start or Stop Windows Services With Windows Service Monitor

To add services to the Monitored Services list, select a service from the left column, then press the right direction button. Once you have selected all desired services, click OK.

Easily Start or Stop Windows Services With Windows Service Monitor

Here comes the interesting part. From now on, whenever you want to start or stop a service from your selected list just right click on the Windows Service Monitor icon in the taskbar and click on the respective service. The services with a green circle in front of them are active while the ones with a red one are inactive.

The Windows Service Monitor icon changes color depending on the status of your monitored Windows services. If all services are running, it displays a green icon; if few services are running, it displays an orange icon. If all services are stopped, it’s grey.

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Windows Service Monitor is a useful tool for users who frequently use the Windows services panel to start or stop services. With this tool in the taskbar, there’s no need to open the Services window and search for the service in the list. Simply right-click on the taskbar icon and take action.

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