Download and Install PSone Classics, PSP Games Using the PS3

Download and Install PSone Classics, PSP Games Using the PS3

Download and Install PSone Classics, PSP Games Using the PS3

Consoles tend to be overprotective. Sony is no exception, with existing piracy concerns that hackers pose. If you own a Playstation console (PS3, PS Vita), you will notice limited and cumbersome ways of acquiring and transferring content between devices. In fact, you are required to download third party software on Windows PCs or rely on a slow Wi-Fi connection on your PSP. However, if you have a PS3, you can download and install games from it to your portable and share some PSone Classics between them. Let’s see how to perform these.

Download and Install PSone Classics, PSP Games Using the PS3

Step 2: After downloading the game, go to the Game menu on the XMB. You’ll find the game outside your Games’ folder, wrapped in a bubble. This indicates that the game has been downloaded but not installed yet.

Download and Install PSone Classics, PSP Games Using the PS3

Important Note: PSone Classics can be played on both the PS3 and the PSP. PSP games, however, can only be played on the PSP.

Installing PSP Games on Your PSP Using Your PS3

While you can download PSP games on your PS3, you can’t play them there and will have to transfer them to your portable. However, using your PS3 to download and install PSP games saves memory space on your portable, which only supports expensive memory cards for added space.

Step 3: Connect your PSP to your PS3 using a USB cable. Put your PSP into USB mode by going to Settings and selecting USB Connection.

Step 4: On your PS3, go to Game and scroll down until you find the downloaded game. Select it and choose Yes to copy it to a PSP system.

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Download and Install PSone Classics, PSP Games Using the PS3Download and Install PSone Classics, PSP Games Using the PS3

Once the copying is finished, you can choose whether to keep the original file on your PS3. I recommend doing so, as it will allow you to delete the game from your PSP if you need more space and copy it back whenever desired.

Download and Install PSone Classics, PSP Games Using the PS3

Step 5: Your game will now be on your PSP, ready for you to play.

Download and Install PSone Classics, PSP Games Using the PS3

Installing PSone and PS2 Classics On Your PS3 or Your PSP

Contrary to PSP games, PSone Classics can be downloaded, installed, and played on both the PS3 and PSP. The same applies to some PS2 games, although they can only be played on the PS3.

Installing PSone Classics and PS2 games on the PS3 is straightforward. Head to the Game menu on your PS3, scroll down until you find your PSone Classic wrapped in its bubble, and press the X button to start installation. Once done, your game will be ready to be played on your PS3.

Download and Install PSone Classics, PSP Games Using the PS3Download and Install PSone Classics, PSP Games Using the PS3

To install a PSone Classic on your PSP, connect the PSP to your computer and put it into USB Mode, as explained in Step 3. On your PS3, go to the uninstalled game, press the Triangle button, and select Copy.

Download and Install PSone Classics, PSP Games Using the PS3Download and Install PSone Classics, PSP Games Using the PS3

Now you know how to enjoy PSone Classics and more on your PSP and PS3, without using a computer.

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